Sunday, 22 February 2015

Best Natural Tips to Get Pink Lips

Lips are one of the basic and attractive features of men and women that define your expressions easily. So, it’s very important to give special care and attention to lips. If you failed to give proper attention means, then your lips will become dull and dark. In order to get a beautiful pink lips, just follow the natural lip care tips regularly:

 natural tips to get pink lips

Scrubbing the Lips:

Instead of spending too much money on other cosmetic products, you can spend some time for rubbing your lip at morning and night. For getting best results, use a soft toothbrush to scrub your lips before going into the bed at the night time. It makes your lips as pink and soft in nature.

In other case, you can also try out sugar scrub. Just mix the sugar with petroleum jelly or honey and apply it as a thin layer on the lips. After 10-15 minutes wipe off it with damp cotton and get a softy pink lips as yours.

Moisturizing the Lips:

It is very essential to keep the lips as moisture and hydrated at all times. When you are going for outing, it is important to apply a lip balm or jelly on the lips. You can apply cocoa butter is one of the natural remedies for getting pinkish lips. You can also try out almond oil and lip balms with Vitamin E on summer seasons to prevent from your lips from sun rays.

Rose Pedals for Softness:

Obviously, Red rose’s pedals strikes in our mind while talking about the beautiful roses. Crush the rose pedals and mix it with honey and apply it on lips. Rose will give pink tone to the lips when having a combination of rose pedals with milk powder and honey which lighten the lips. Even this rose pedal mixture is one of the important face care tips get fair face skin.

Awesome Magic of Pomegranate Seeds:

Just crush the pomegranate seeds and blend it with raw milk and apply it on your lips. It is also an easy natural home remedies for lightening the dark lips.

Stop Smoking and Avoid intake of Coffee or Tea:

Most of the people know about the common fact, avoiding over smoking and intake of coffee and tea will get rid of dark lip problem. Also it will help us to get healthy lungs and longer life span.

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